To participate in the Oil Sands Artificial Lift Challenge, interested respondents must fill out the online response form prior to the submission deadline of September 30, 2024 by 8pm ET. Responses must include only non-confidential, non-proprietary content.

The online response form gives you the opportunity to tell experts from the Pathways Alliance about the impact your technology could have on electronic submersible pump performance.

To learn more, check out the other sections of this Challenge page, refer to our webinar, or contact us.


Relevant experts from with the Pathways Alliance and its member companies will evaluate all eligible submissions according to their strength in the following areas:

  • Technical Merit: 30 points
  • Operational Performance Improvements: 30 points
  • Pathway to Commercial Deployment: 20 points
  • Innovative Performance or Capabilities: 15 points
  • Technical Maturity: 5 points


Up to twenty-five (25) respondents will be invited to present their proposed technologies at a special session of the Defense TechConnect Conference being held in Austin, Texas in December 2024. Selected respondents will receive a fully paid registration for the conference (hotel and travel not included). Attending the conference will allow presenters to network with a broad array of representatives from government, industry and venture capital.

Following the presentations, Pathways Alliance will announce the names of up to ten (10) companies who will receive direct engagement from members of the Pathways Alliance. Finalists will be considered for a variety of engagement opportunities including funding of pilot-scale tests, joint development funding, and technology licensing.

Following the completion of the Oil Sands Artificial Lift Challenge, members of the Pathways Alliance will begin direct discussions with finalists to jointly determine the nature of the engagement as well to establish necessary confidentiality agreements to facilitate the exchange of information.