All proposed technologies must be suitable for operations within an artificial lift process utilizing steam and a non-condensable gas such as methane for bitumen production within an oil sands environment.

In-scope technologies include but are not limited to:

  • Next-generation electric submersible pumps better able to handle the incoming mixture of bitumen, methane, steam and solid particulates
  • High-performance sensors able to provide greater insight into pump performance or downhole conditions
  • Novel designs for ESP intakes which exclude or redirect select mixture components
  • Innovative impeller/diffusers capable of moving the pumped mixture without seizure

Technologies adapted from non-oil and gas industries such as aerospace, chemical processing, defense, and metallurgy are also of interest to Pathways Alliance members.

All proposed technologies, regardless of type, must be suitable for reliable, efficient downhole operations under extreme conditions. The performance values listed below are reflective of the full population of production wells operated by Pathways Alliance members. Consequently, proposed solutions will ideally be suitable for all of these key parameters. Note that standard well completions include:

Casing size: min. 9 5/8″

Tubing size: min. 2 7/8″, standard 3.5”, max. 4.5″

Liquid Flow Rate (m3/day)2508001200
Intake Gas Volume Ratio (%)154585
Gas Oil Ratio (m3/ m3)51020
Intake pressure (kPag)75015002200
Surface/Line pressure (kPag)10011001600
Intake Temperatures (°C)160200250

Technologies that cannot currently achieve the full range of low to high values are still potentially of interest as Pathways Alliance members may be able to deploy select technologies to specific locations or wells.

Technologies closest to commercial readiness are of greatest interest to COSIA. However, member companies conduct regular pilot-scale evaluations of new technologies. As a result, less mature technologies are still of interest in this Challenge. Regardless of current technical maturity, all proposed technologies must have a clear development plan to achieve pilot-scale readiness, at minimum.